This is sad but very close to home for me right now, I’m sorry. How would mccree and the other overwatch guys comfort their s/o whose grieving the death of a close friend, sister, or other sibling? Who would want to talk to them about it, who would just be their rock, and who would try and distract them and how? Thank you for your time ♡


I’m sorry for your loss, I am also close with the subject and understand the pain.



Jesse is no stranger to loss, he had to say good bye one too many times to people he cared about. He would focus on you and your needs through this whole time, be sympathetic and try his best to comfort you. It doesn’t matter what you need, he will offer it. Do you need to be alone? Done, he will be at arms length, maybe in another room, waiting for you to call for him. Do you feel like you don’t want to do anything? Then he will make sure the home is clean, he’ll do the shopping and cook food for you, because even if you on’t feel like it you should still take care of yourself. He will give you all the time in the world.

Soldier 76


During his days in Overwatch Jack had to way good bye to many young and old soldiers, and it never gets easier no matter how many times he had to do it. He knows there isn’t a quick fix for the pain you’re feeling, and he also knows there isn’t much anyone can do to help get though it, but he will be there for you. He’s not a man of many words, but he will let you cuddle up to him and talk about it, happy memories, regrets, anything you feel like sharing. He will probably order some take away and eat with you, making sure you do take care of yourself. He’ll offer to print and frame a photo of the person you’re mourning so you can have them close to you, but if you don’t want that he will understand.

Gabriel Reyes (Prefall)


Just like Jack, Gabe had to part ways with too many kind souls, and so he is more than understanding about your grieving process. He he your shoulder to cry on, and he will offer to take you to the cemetery to light a candle and bring some flowers for them. He will cuddle you to sleep and be there to wipe your tears away when you cry, sad to see you hurt this way. He doesn’t know what he can do to help, so he will just make sure you’re as comfortable as possible; having clean clothes, fresh food and support is about everything he can offer.



He perfectly understands the pain and loss you’re feeling, he has gone through it himself. He knows how long it can take for these wounds to heal, and he will offer his support, condolences and guidance as much as he thinks you’ll allow. He will offer to introduce you to Zenyatta, hoping that he can help you more than he is able to, but he will be there to embrace you and hold you when you need it. He thinks it’s better for you to let your emotions be known, cry, kick and scream if you need to, anything is better than bottling your emotions up.

She grabs the front of his shirt and yanks him into a kiss, hard and heated, but passionate. When she deems it time to let go, she does and grins at him. “International Kissing Day. Don’t let it go to your head.” (@xiothesniper)

She catches him in a whirlwind of mint and gun oil and Jesse draws in a deep breath, his mouth collapsing beneath hers and surrendering. They’ve not kissed much, but each time is etched into his memory. He’s careful to preserve each one in painstaking detail, so he can treasure it again later. 

What always gets McCree about Xio’s kisses is how soft her lips are. She’s outside a lot and it seems like they should be drier or rougher than they are, but that’s never the case. It’s like she exfoliates them. He’s eaten cotton candy less soft.


It’s sort of a question, but more just a sound of surprise. This is literally the last thing he expects of her, today or any other day. There’s something playful about her, less edgy than usual and more puckish. Nevertheless, an initiated kiss just isn’t even on his radar. His muscles go hard and then slack and he almost sags against her in shock.


But then she’s fading, although she still has a fistful of his shirt collar and a wicked little grin. Her dark eyes sparkle like jewels and he feels like he’s been kissed by a mischief-making little faerie.

“International what-now?” he manages to pant. “What?”

“Why did you go through th’trouble to keep me here?” Jesse grunted out, glaring at the Omnic and tugging on the chains that kept him in place. “Why ain’y you killed me yet huh? I ain’t got nothin’ you want pal.”

“Value is relative, Mister McCree. To some, money is valuable. To some, it’s sex. Others find information valuable, and still others find power a valuable asset.” 

Maximilien examines the restraints, circuits and relays in his head performing trillions of calculations per second to determine whether or not the rough and tumble cowboy’s bonds will hold.

“Personally? I find all four things are valuable to me, and you happen to embody them all. Now, what do you say to that?”

@blackwatchs-cowboy [ from x ]

“I ain’t just people old man. We’re family.” Jesse grumbled out, glaring sideways at the silver haired man sitting next to him from under the lip of his hat.

Sighing he followed after the old timer, letting himself sit besides him there in that alleyway where they met for the first time in years. It felt wrong…this reunion. It shouldn’t be here, picking up the mess of Talon but on some far away beach.

They should all be living it large. All three of them…not here in this godforsaken place.

Reyes should be here….

“I trust you still…shouldn’t it be the same? I know I was an annoyin’ lil pup back in the day but it ain’t like that anymore…I-…I had to grow up. Be what Gabriel wanted me t’be…I just wish he could’ve been there t’see it.” The young pulled off his beloved hat to run his organic hand through his messy brunette locks. There was beat of silence between the two Veterans before the younger spoke up again.

“You say not t’beat myself up sir but how can’t I? It’s my fault. And-…M’sorry…for lettin’ you down. For lettin’ him down. I walked away from the fighting. If-…If I had stayed. I could’ve stopped the fightin’. Before all of this…”

“Mmph.” The sound was as much a low rumble in the soldier’s chest as it was indignant dismissal. He was used to being called ‘old’ – that was the epithet every young snotnose went for now. It was the other part of the cowboy’s statement that didn’t sit with him too well. 

“You don’t get to dictate who someone else’s family is, McCree. But I get your point and I understand where you’re coming from.” There was a melon-like thud as Morrison’s head rested against the wall. How could he explain in a way that would make the younger man understand?

“In the Service, they taught me and Reyes about ‘acceptable losses’. Civilians think there shouldn’t be such a thing, but that’s not how the world works – that’s not how war works. You know?” 

Morrison paused long enough to drink from a pouch of water, then handed it to his companion to drink from. 

“You have to accept that some things are out of your control. Reyes was out of your control. His choices were out of your control. You did the best your could with what tools God and nature gave you.”